NILVX II(III): Words of Power
SKU: NXD0203
운명: Devin Overman
Nouon: Artyv K
The Daemon of My Heart is the Heart of the Forest: Agnieszka Krajewska
Taboo: James Frederick William Rowe
Fury of a Language Isolate: James Frederick William Rowe
Ritual: Sinclair Grey
Concentricity: Celeste Rose Wood
Brigid of the Birds: Brenda Mann Hammack
Opal Mourns the Loss of One of Her Flitter-Mice: Brenda Mann Hammack
The Movable Bodily Limit: Celeste Rose Wood
God at Breakfast; Satan at Supper: Laura Bernstein-Machlay
Journaling as Ritual Practice: Ted Snyder